2. More than You Think

2. More than You Think

A rich man's son was graduating university. For months, the son was asking his father for a new car, knowing that his father had more than sufficient money. When graduation day came, the young man's father called him into the study. The father handed him a wrapped gift and congratulated him about his graduation and his success. Looking dissatisfied, the son opened the gift to find a lovely, leather bound journal, with the young man's name stamped on the cover. He furiously raised his voice, threw down the journal and stormed out.

The young man had not seen his father since graduation day. He became successful and was rich like his father, with a beautiful home and family. He came to understand that his father was aging and it may be time to put the past behind them. Just then, he received a message that his father had passed, and he had to return home to look out the estate. As the son regretfully returned home with grief, he began searching through his father's important papers and saw that still new journal, just as he had left it. He opened it, and as he flipped through the pages a car key dropped from the back of the journal. A dealer tag was attached to the key that read

"Paid in full, anywhere this car takes you, write about it to remember it forever. Love, Dad"

No matter what you look forward to, be thankful and appreciative for what you are given. It may be more of a blessing than you think.

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In this story these tenses is used if you want to learn click below links:

Click here: Past ContinuousClick Here: Present Indefinite (Simple Present OR Present Simple)
Click Here: Past Indefinite (Past Simple or Simple Past)
Click Here: Present Perfect
