Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect Continuous tense to talk about action that started in the past and is continuing now. (also known as present perfect progressive)


Subject + Have/Has + BEEN + Verb [fourth form (an-ing)]

Fourth form of verb is called Present Participle form and an –ing form.

Singular Subject = has
Plural subject = have
I = have


[‘ve = have] [‘s = has]
→ I’ve been playing cricket for three hours. [I’ve = I have]
→ We have been playing cricket since 2 o’clock.
→ You have been playing cricket.
→ He’s been playing cricket. [He’s = He has]
→ She has been playing cricket.
→ It has been raining for three hours.
→ They have been playing cricket since 2 o’clock.
→ Yaqoob has been playing cricket.

For negative we use [have not = haven’t]
[has not = hasn’t]

→ I have not been playing cricket.
OR I haven’t been playing cricket.
→ Yaqoob has not been reading a book.
OR Yaqoob hasn’t been reading a book.
→ You have not been watching TV.
OR You haven’t been watching TV.

For interrogative we use [have] [has]

→ Has Yaqoob been reading a book?
→ Has Yaqoob not been reading a book?
OR Hasn’t Yaqboob been reading a book?
→ Have you been watching TV?
→ Have you not been watching TV?
OR Haven’t you been watching TV?

(i) Usage of ‘since’ and ‘for’ start from Present Perfect Tense. We also use Present Perfect Continuous with ‘since’ and ‘for’.

They have been playing cricket since morning.
They have been playing cricket for five hours.
(= They are still playing now.)

He has been playing the guitar since he was six.
He has been playing the guitar since he was in school.
They've been playing cricket every Saturday since 2001.
They've been playing cricket every Saturday for ten years.

Usage of Since and For
We use frequently ‘since’ and ‘for’ for these tenses.

Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect
Future Perfect Continuous

'Since' and 'For'
We use 'since' with a fixed time (starting point) in the past (2004, 23rd April, last year). The fixed time can be another action, which is in the past simple (since I was at school, since I arrived).

I have known Aslam since 1992.
She has been here since 2 pm.
You have liked chocolate since you were a child.

We use 'for' with a period of time (2 hours, three years, six months).

I have known Maria for ten years.
He has worked here for six months.
I have known you for a week.

We use how long in questions.

How long have they been married? ~ Oh, for about four years.
How long has Vicky had that camera? ~ Since Monday.

We can also use the present perfect with for and since when something has stopped happening.

He hasn't visited us since July.
You haven't seen your uncle for ages.


(ii) How much, how many, how long, recently, lately …

Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
We normally use the present perfect when we say
how much , how many
We normally use the present perfect continuous form when we
say how long.
The tailor has ironed seven bed sheets.
The tailor has been ironing bed sheets since ten o'clock.
She has played at least seventeen music.
She has been playing music all day.
How many driving lessons have you had?
How long have you been learning to drive?

Describes a completed action
Describes continuity
He has written an essay. 
He has been writing essay.
I've read the book you recommended.
(= I've finished it, so we can talk about it).
I've been reading the book you recommended.
(= I'm enjoying it, but I'm not finished).

how long in questions.
How long have they been playing?
How long have you been learning to drive?

Note also recently and lately. These both mean 'in the last few days or weeks'.

You haven't been playing very well recently.
What have you been doing lately?

(iii) States verb and action verbs

[Reference: (Second Edition) Oxford Practice Grammar by John Eastwood Unit 17]

We cannot normally use the continuous form with a state verb.

I've known the secret for a long time.
NOT I've been knowing the secret.
My parents have had this car for about ten years.
We've never been very happy here, I'm afraid.

Live and work (= have a job) can be continuous or simple, with no difference in meaning.

We've been living here since 1992.
OR We've lived here since 1992.
Sarah has been working for the company for three years now.
OR Sarah has worked for the company for three years now
