Conditional sentences

Conditional Sentences

Condition ( شرط)

Conditional tenses are used to explain about, what happens, what will happen, what could happen, what might have happened, and what we wish would happen. Most clauses using the conditional contain the word ifwhenas soon asunlessif onlyI wish etc.

Types of conditional sentences

Usually conditional sentences have eight types (Zero to seven), but some grammarians say that it has four types. See this table:

Eight types
[Zero (0) to seven (7)]
Four types
[Zero (0) to three (3)]
Probable conditions
0. Type Zero
(Conditional Present)

1. Type I
(Conditional Future)

Improbable conditions
2. Type II
(Conditional Simple Past)

3. Type III
(Conditional Past Participle)

4. Type IV
(More emphatic Type Three)

Hypothetical Conditions
5. Type V
(Imaginary state)

6. Type VI
(More emphatic Imaginary state)

7. Type VII (Wish – Imaginary state/Action)
0. Type Zero
(Conditional Present)

1. Type I
(Conditional Future)

2. Type II

(Conditional Simple Past)
Type Five (Imaginary state)
Type Six (More emphatic Imaginary state)
Type Seven (Wish – Imaginary state/Action)

3. Type III

(Conditional Past Participle)
Type Four (More emphatic Type Three)

Probable conditions

0. Conditional Type Zero (Conditional Present) click here
1. Conditional Type I (Conditional Future) click here

Improbable conditions

2. Conditional II (Conditional Past) click here

3 & 4. Type III and IV Click here
Conditional III (Conditional Past Participle) and Conditional Type IV [More emphatic Type III (Conditional Past Participle)]

Hypothetical conditions

5 & 6. Type V & VI Click here
Conditional Type V (Imaginary State) and Conditional Type VI (More emphatic Imaginary state)

7. Conditional Type VII (Wish – Imaginary state/Action) click here
